A Month of Firsts
I’m not a technophobe in any way, I’m not overly tech savvy either. I know enough to get by and run a business on the internet via a website, Facebook shop and have even started doing posts on Instagram!!! But over the last month or two I have been looking at going further into the world on the internet.
Recently I have ventured into the realm of “Facebook Live”. I’d previously done a few videos on YouTube, but these were recorded and edited before I uploaded. The idea of just going straight into a video with no option to edit and all my mistakes out there for everyone to see has been extremely scary for me!!! I stutter and stumble my way through the videos, but it is getting easier the more I do it.
This weeks “Craft Stash Declutter” video, which was only the third one I had done, contained some huge mistakes and I was horrified when I finished the video and came off line. My first thought was to phone my Mom (who as a show of support has watched every video I have done once I publish it to the Facebook page. She doesn’t watch it live as I find it most off putting when I see that my Mom is watching lol 😆). I needed to tell her not to watch it as it was such a disaster and if she did watch it, could she please watch when my Dad wasn’t around as I would never live it down! As always my Mom was super supportive and said it probably wasn’t as bad as I thought. The next day my Dad came to the shop to help me with some stuff and started talking about the previous days video, I thought, “Jee, thanks Mom”. But to my surprise my Dad didn’t make fun of me like I was expecting but instead said how great it was as my mistakes were things that could happen to anyone when crafting and I showed them exactly how to deal with it. I never thought of it that way and maybe won't focus so much on the mistakes in the future!!!
Another new venture into the world of the internet is actually this blog! I keep getting told I really ought to be writing a blog. “It will let people get to know you and not only what sort of artwork you do and how you do it, but also your character and personality and encourage them invest in you and buy your stuff.”
Well, as I am trying my hand at new things, I thought I might as well try writing one of these blog things - so here it is!!!
When it comes to writing a blog, the helpful information that came up on Google when I typed in “How do I start a blog?, tells you that you need to write something that is interesting for your reader, something informative and factual, while also putting yourself and your ideas across. Come up with an interesting name for your blog that will draw potential readers in and then write content that will keep them on the line once you have hooked them!!!
Well I have decided that I will just write about me, my life as an artist, business owner and someone who is trying to survive in these interesting times. My life is full of highs and lows, some moments that you can do nothing other than laugh out load about, moments of pure genius (they actually do happen once in a while) and I also manage to create some artworks too. Hopefully this will interest someone out there in the vastness that is the internet, but if not, I will just write to my hearts content, to myself and treat it as therapy lol